Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fruit Picking at the Farm

The boys and I went a on a little trip to go fruit picking at our local family farm. A few of our friends met us out there. Off we ventured together into the rows and orchards of AMAZING fruit. We picked blueberries, blackberries, apricots, pluots and a few nectarines. Here are the boys and their dear friend Emery eating the fruits of their labor...apricots. I could not believe the different types of fruit Brady adventurously ate all because he picked them himself!
We put these kids to work. They pushed the wagon that we carried our fruit in all over that farm. Needless to say nap time was awesome that afternoon. We had another little friend with us named Will who did not make these pictures because he was off with his mommy picking 10 POUNDS of blackberries!! Can you believe it? Will's family is having a contest on who can make the best cobbler with all those berries! Yummy!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

loved it, loved the adventure and the pics! well documented girl!